GitLab has released security updates to address vulnerabilities in GitLab Community Edition (CE)...
Oracle has released security updates to address vulnerabilities in kernel, pam and perl-App-cpanm...
WordPress plugins tumult-hype-animations, widget-options, wp-jobsearch, contest-gallery, cleantalk-s...
IBM products depending on pivotal-spring and DOMPurify are affected by critical vulnerabilities trac...
Network Attacks 141,767, Malware Attacks 24,799, Website attack...
Network Attacks 158,632, Malware Attacks 7,715, Website attacks...
Network Attacks 213,737, Malware Attacks 24,748, Website attack...
Cyber criminals crack and steal passwords
Note: This password checker is for educational purpose only.
Please do not enter your real
password. Password entered are not saved or stored on this website.
Should have length of not less than 8 Characters
Should have combination of Special Characters
Should have a combination of Numbers
Should have a combination of Small and Capital letters
Do not reuse passwords for your online sensitive services
A digest of Tanzania Computer Emergency Response Team coverage of cyber-security news across the globe.