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IBM WebSphere Security Updates

IBM has released security updates to address vulnerability in IBM WebSphere. Exploitation of this vulnerability could allow an attacker to obtain sensitive information.

Users and Administrators are encouraged to review IBM security bulletins and apply necessary updates.


Tanzania Computer Emergency Response Team (TZ-CERT) is mandated to raise awareness and enhance technical capacity in the area of cybersecurity.

Between 20th to 30th July 2020, TZ-CERT carried out technical capacity building programs to different constituents in the different cybersecurity domain. A total of twenty (20) ICT officers benefited from the program.

The program was tailored to address the technical aspects of cybersecurity, specifically focusing on ICT Systems Security. The objective of the training was to enhance the technical capacity of TZ-CERT Constituencies in responding to cybersecurity threats in their network infrastructure.

Some of the areas covered included, webservers security, mail servers security, secure authoritative DNS Servers, PGP for secure email communications, different techniques on defense against cyber-attacks, and practical sessions on how to perform vulnerability assessment and penetration testing on their networks.

Pictures below: Participants following up TZ-CERT ICT Systems Security session presented on 20th July 2020, at NAOT Conference Hall, Dodoma


Microsoft Netlogon Elevation of Privilege vulnerability was first published on 11th August 2020 by the Microsoft Security Advisory as a publicly disclosed computer security flaw with reference CVE-2020-172.

Talos, Cisco’s threat intelligence organisation, has been tracking exploit attempts against this vulnerability and confirm a potential rise. The exploitation of this vulnerability could allow an attacker to take control of the affected system. For more read here

Red Hat Security Updates

Red Hat has released security update to address vulnerabilities in Linux Kernel. Exploitation of these vulnerabilities may allow an attacker to take control of affected system.

Users and administrators are encouraged to review Red Hat Security Advisory and apply necessary updates.

Gentoo Security Update

Gentoo has released security update to address vulnerabilities in Bitcoin. Exploitation of these vulnerabilities may allow an attacker to cause a denial of service condition.

Users and administrators are encouraged to review Gentoo Security Advisory and apply necessary update.